Cycle times in biomass feed hopper applications
Biomass energy systems require large equipment to reach economies of scale [...]
Biomass energy systems require large equipment to reach economies of scale [...]
Anti-scale valve for sticky powders Background A customer contacted SVC about an application where the 4” 1500# segmented ball valves they were using at the time only lasted a maximum of 6 weeks. The valve had to be able to shut off against nitrogen gas at 750 psi and the highly scaling [...]
The Solution to the Scaling Problem Since 2000 Stainless Valve Co. has done some work with several customers on the application of our Stargate-O-Port-Valve® in applications, where scale formation creates functional problems for the valves, mainly actuation lockup or damage to seats and packing seals. The Stargate-O-Port-Valve® AS has been [...]
Lime storage bins typically have some sort of shut off or isolation valve. In most cases, simple slide gates or gate valves are used. Often it takes hours of hard work with sledgehammers and come-alongs to open or close those valves. This can be a drain on the operations, maintenance, and reliability of [...]