Vestibulum ut efficitur nibh. Integer rhoncus nunc eu massa dignissim molestie. Pellentesque blandit eros vel dolor finibus mattis. Nulla rhoncus hendrerit justo, a aliquam ex blandit quis. Nam odio nisl, scelerisque sed lobortis id, lobortis at ante. Aliquam varius et lacus vel varius. Vivamus efficitur nec massa a faucibus. Nam ut velit tortor. Suspendisse lacinia vehicula nisi, at gravida purus porta et. Cras tristique massa libero.
Vestibulum ut efficitur nibh. Integer rhoncus nunc eu massa dignissim molestie. Pellentesque blandit eros vel dolor finibus mattis.
Lime storage bins typically have some sort of shut off or isolation valve. In most cases, simple slide gates or gate valves are used. Often it takes hours of hard work with sledgehammers and come-alongs to open or close those valves. This can be a drain on the operations, maintenance, and reliability of the lime storage area. There are also concerns with safety due to the environment and the work required to move standard isolation devices.
The isolation valve has to deal with the hydroscopic lime, which has tendency to increase the internal friction in the valve. This does not allow a standard knife gate, O-Port, ball valves, slide gates or butterfly valves to function properly. Friction reduction and appropriate actuation force are necessary to have a well functioning valve for the isolation and reliable operation of the lime storage isolation application.
In 1996, because of an injury, one of our customers had contacted us to find out whether we have a solution for this problem. We devised the concept for the lime storage bin isolation valve. Since installation in 1997, the valve has been in continuous service and has made the operation of the lime storage bin more safe and reliable.
Although we tend to price projects on a case by case basis, this is a guide to the services and project packages we offer to our clients.
Vestibulum ut efficitur nibh. Integer rhoncus nunc eu massa dignissim molestie. Pellentesque blandit.
- Stargate-O-Port-Valve (generic terms: Through-port gate valve, O-port gate valve, slide gate valve).
- Temperatures up to 1000° F.
- Face to face dimension 3.5”.
- Carbon steel for all parts in contact with the flow media; also fasteners, pushers and tie bars in stainless steel.
- Custom plated blade
- Coated Metal double seats for shut off in both directions. The blades are guided in Graphoil guides at both ends of the valve
- Hydraulic actuator type HA, with optional connection to a hydraulic power pack 2000 psi, with a 2 gal. tank, skid mounted with control.
- Optional covers can be provided to protect the blade from lime falling down from above the valve.
- SVC locking device LC for locking in the closed position.
- Limit switches for the open and closed positions.
- Actuator position and type can be adjusted based on space restrictions and customer preference. Manual actuation is possible but not recommended based on experience.
- Based on the specific issues in the application, the valve can be modified to address those concerns specifically.
- Standard performance guarantee for this valve is 10 years.